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sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

SPANISH GYPSIES the great round

The night of 29 July 30, 1749 took place in Spain which is probably the first attempt of genocide in human history: the great raid of gypsies. In a single night were imprisoned the vast majority of our ancestors, between 10 and 12 thousand. Days later, a raid carried out complementary and another 700 or 800 Calós called sandpipers. Some of those were in estaripén probes up to 16 years. This terrible episode in our history is fundamental to understanding the evolution of the Romans in Spain, our culture, the rise of flamenco and a lot of things. There is a magnificent book by Antonio Gomez Alfaro entitled "The Great Raid" that I recommend in honor of those Gypsies who suffered imprisonment for the mere fact of being Gypsies.